Prayer is a vital and essential part of our relationship walk with the Lord. This is how we is children communicate with our Father, and one way that he speaks to us. When the temple veil was torn in two at the time of Jesus death Matt 27 : 50 - 51a, It symbolized that his sacrifice, the shedding of his own blood sufficient atonement for sins, It signified that now the way into the Holy of Holies was open for all people, for all time, both Jews and Gentile. Because of this sacrifice we are given intimate and immediate access to God, but he also assigns us the responsibility of praying for other people.
We free now to access his presence for our selves and others. Intercession is prayer that pleads with God for your needs and the needs of others.
Intercession involves taking hold of God's will and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass.
Intercession is WARFARE. It's the key to God's battle plan for our lives. Intercessory prayer takes place in the spiritual realm which is where we go and intercede for our families, friends, situations, the church, and ourselves.